first of all, we just want to say a massive thank you to everyone who has submitted their wonderful work, and that we couldn’t have done this without you. without further ado, this is myth zine’s inaugural and almost definitely only edition! and what a theme! what a wide, chunky, deep, absolutely ginormous theme - what is a myth? can it be defined? i’m going to say no! because that is not something we, at myth zine, care about. what we care about is seeing how myth affects our lives and our work and seeing what you guys think about it.
because of the variety of ways in which people responded to myths in submission, we’ve taken the prudent decision to separate out content into a couple of themes. to be honest, this is mostly for my peace of mind when designing the website. we will be posting content twice a day, once in the morning (roughly) and once in the evening (again, roughly). the themes are as follows: myths and modernity, which will be where we post content that pertains to how myth affects our modern world and myths that prevail in our modern world, myths as we understand them which will entail all of the beautiful poetry and fiction we have received based on myths and any discussions of mythical themes. the third is myths from around and above the world which is exactly what it says on the packet.
chloe and penny