Gaia awoke,
veiled in mist.
The hopeful dark waking and breathing.
world without Sky
world without Sea
world of water and light, rushing waves and spinning clouds.
Earth awoke, and opened the world
Mountains crumbled out of the ground
her palms facing skyward.
The wide ocean learned the gut-deep pull of the moon,
and she followed too.
forest sprinted up from the shore, wind tugging through her hair, the gleam of fireflies in her eyes
Sanctuary of valley and wave remained in shadow, protected
from the almost-known-unknown they already knew to expect.
Night was a woman too, and for now that’s all there was:
Gaia, sovereign earth, mother of black-winged dreams
Then, like an intake of
breath, the first fingers of Sun’s rays announced themselves above the horizon,
mapping out Sky and Sea and earth. He
claimed what he saw and what he touched. He
thought he was here first.
Rosy-fingered dawn, saffron-robed,
laughed at how she turned the mountains from grey to pink
and the silver sea-spray turned gold
She is beautiful so she is happy
gold drips from her like sunbeams, she is noticed by the gods
She knows her daughter will be beautiful too
so she must be happy.
Father, son-of-another, also himself
trains his daughters to be beautiful to be dutiful,
to be a muse - what is greater than the radiance of inspiration and the eye of
a good man or a god.
As she radiates, she feels parts of herself slipping away, consumed as dawn mist by the sun
He knew the stuff his son was made of
and still let him roam the world.
Mother, wife-of-another,
teaches her to be wise, to be sure to be careful and brave
not to lure the jealousy of a goddess – more dangerous than rage.
and not to deny the gods
Your suffering, my child, shall teach your wisdom.
She tells her to resist the heart-deep pull of the wild outside until the world is kinder –
Maybe tomorrow.
Women learn quickly, and they learn young.
The danger behind a smile, his laugh
a hand pressing into the small of her back.
Gods learn quickly, they are never young.
Zeus knows he must be the swan, the dove, the bull,
the shower of gold
he knows his prey is becoming wise
He wants to stay one step ahead
Aphrodite too, knows that the ache of glory in a hero’s chest conceals many sins
but the ache in hers must sleep
and the hands that reached
the ghosts of fingertips and foreign breath would
speak for her instead.
they traced words on her skin and told her what she was
winds herself in black
child, give me your torch,
you do not hold it straight
you move so wildly
A pyre for her children burns at the shore
Helen of Sparta, and of Troy
Cursed by mothers for their fallen sons
Through man’s eyes she gets them in her power
She ruins them
and ruins cities
Those were the eyes her mother gave her
She had only tried to see.
blood-polluted Achilles demands honour for his tomb
A woman too much in love with life is
a coward they remind her
So she walks quietly,
the honour must be given, and will be gladly
The infant city is brought to its knees
searching for salvation in the honour of three daughters.
Have pride in the deeds of your ancestors, ὦ Ἀθηναῖοι
The honour will be given,
Iphigenia sacrificed for a breeze
Artemis gazes upon her silvered grove, virgin ground where now the grass blades are
bent and the sky smells of blood. Does the goddess weep with them? Did she fight for them?
Artemis runs,
her legs and arms bare
eyes bright and rushing
the wilderness beckons, where the grass remains unbent and sunlight will not catch the glint of gold on a helmet
the wild runs beside her, as she leads the men who she has turned to prey
dances through a field of flowers
youth and grace flash at her ankles and from the beads in her hair.
But now there is an edge to her smile,
and you remember that flowers can carry poison
and that the rebirth of spring always follows death
Athena is born
and Zeus believes he has created life.
A storm is coming
her eyes are grey and
She names herself.
Somewhere in their own infinities they know the power of creation within them
birthed of planets and of stars
can be burned away by the hand of a god
They tell her divine and woman cannot exist in the same flesh and
she has to choose
The poets agree
lost her first family, so she made a new one
wove it together with royal silk and fragments of flashing bronze
She remembers his laughter, remembers how he listened
and the warm weight of their son in her arms
but then the ashes of Troy were floating around her.
In the aftermath of war those that remain may fade to flesh
she can either sink or swim, but the weight of gold carries her down
beneath the pale wide ocean, rippling like a veil
until the currents are quieter and at least the Sun
and everything under it
is distant, seen through miles of water
spear-point bride.
The god-of-all-ways gave a gift and
wanted his reward
fingers tighten and eyes grow fire as she asks for
I have a scream I want the whole world to hear
What is the word of a mad-girl against the word of a city
and its gods
Your sufferings, my child, have never taught you wisdom
The face of a marble statue gives little.
it is cold
and her fingers slip
The mind of a hero has not changed for generations
Give your tears in place of wedding songs, god-inspired girl
Artemis, she-who-delights-in-arrows
She was the first born, but he was the first-born son
She was our protector, but she could not face those she failed to protect
A swift of silver to the throat was quick - they were already hunted.
This makes the heart beat faster, makes
the legs seize the air and turns arms to wings
She imagines herself airborne
She was the thrill of the chase, the god’s ragged laughter following her through the trees as he delighted in this new game
She imagined a face of leaves, her face,
limbs coiling into branches that would not be held.
He was waiting for a misstep, a root grasping up from the ground, the sun bleaching her sight as
for a moment
she was, in fact, airborne.
But then would come the fall to the mossy ground
stones digging in,
she can look upon the sun but it does not warm her
which god would listen when the life force of aeons flickers through their fingertips and the
heat of the sun on their backs
beats out unsteadiness
and reminds them of the laws as they saw them -
everything under the sun
everything under the sun
But when he reaches her, Gaia welcomes her home,
for the first of us has her own laws.
As they have been written
these women are elusive
slipping modestly into the shadows
beauty at a distance
making herself liquid when he approaches
until he decides to claim her.
Daughters of wives, mothers of
life bringers,
the breath of new life consumes as the dawn mist is burned by the sun
The words written tell us fear.
Circe – goddess without the radiance of divinity
Medea – woman without the virtue of knowing when to back down
Maybe these men saw Athena’s anger
the wrath of a goddess offended and chose Medusa as her victim
Seeing only her beauty turn to ashes,
soft lips twist into a snarl
not imagining why a woman might want to turn a man to stone
They choose not to see what is shared – tears and laughter melting the world to full colour.
Anger breeds hope, it is constant, shared under a waking sky with the tales of our mothers and their mothers’ mothers sewn into the stars above us.
Burn brighter, as the sun fades.
And these same stars, reimagine themselves into existence
the Earth’s laws are remembered
whispered among clasped hands, torch-lit faces, tangled hair
as maiden, mother, and crone, temptress, witch, huntress, storm
move through the ancient streets and out into the wild
along half-remembered trails into the heart of the forest.
Bare feet sinking softly into moss and earth.
hands rise to the night sky, no longer bleached out by the sun
ἄειδε θεὰ, let us seek
let us find.
Music begins, drums echoing through the incense-hung air
Skirts begin to swirl, bright colours
running together, hair spiralling out in the wake of their dance, arms still raised to the sky.
Faces drink in the white, warm moonlight
and if you squint
you see a snake coiling up a wrist, horns growing among locks of hair,
hair which appears ivy.
Wreathed with flowers, they crown themselves.
Feet drum the earth, loud-ringing, swift-landing
Trees disappear as the torchlight becomes a wave and each woman becomes, for an instant,
Everything under the sun had not taught them this
It is not just suffering, my child, that will teach you wisdom.
What the day had made whispers became a song, a shout, and rushing out in a cry, the girl becomes a world, a single voice raised in a thousand mouths, joined in circles, generation upon generation taking hands with the constellations weaving around and through
forgetting marble and stone and bronze and grasping roots.
They spiralled higher, higher, brighter,
reaching and twisting to make the pulse of the music part of themselves as it cascades into adrenaline
until the brightness comes from the wild, safe flames no longer
For the sun was beginning to rise.
The shadow-soaked air around them un-blurred
until they stood, shivering in the dawn.
The torches burnt out.
Soon the dew would burn away.

By Milly Jonas
Illustrations by Chloe Dootson-Graube